Welcome to Vision Travel's Terms & Conditions. This document outlines the agreement between Vision Travel and our customers, covering booking procedures, cancellation policies, and mutual responsibilities. We aim to provide exceptional tours while maintaining fair and transparent policies. By booking with us, you agree to these terms. Please read carefully and contact us with any questions.

1. Booking and Payment Process

  • To secure your place on a Vision Travel tour, you must complete and sign our official booking form. This form serves as your agreement to these Terms & Conditions.
  • A non-negotiable deposit of 30% of the total tour price per person is required at the time of booking. This deposit confirms your reservation and is applied to your final balance.
  • The remaining balance must be paid in full no later than 14 days prior to your tour's departure date. Failure to pay by this deadline may result in cancellation of your booking and loss of deposit.
  • Vision Travel reserves the right to decline any booking application without providing a reason, ensuring we maintain the quality and cohesion of our tour groups.

2. Cancellation Policy and Refund Structure

Our cancellation policy is designed to be fair while protecting our ability to operate tours:

  • Cancellations made more than 7 days before departure: You will receive a full refund, including your deposit. This allows for unforeseen circumstances close to your travel date.
  • Cancellations 3-7 days before departure: A 50% refund of the total tour price will be provided. This partial refund acknowledges the short notice while covering some of our pre-arranged costs.
  • Cancellations less than 3 days before departure: No refund will be issued due to the last-minute nature of the cancellation and our commitments to suppliers.
  • Weather-related cancellations: In the event that Vision Travel must cancel a tour due to severe weather conditions or natural disasters, you will have the option to either rebook for a different date at no additional cost or receive a full refund of all payments made.

3. Modifications to Existing Bookings

We understand that plans can change and offer the following terms for booking alterations:

  • For changes requested more than 14 days before departure, a modest administrative fee of $30 per person will be charged, plus any additional costs incurred due to the changes (e.g., price differences in accommodations or activities).
  • Any changes requested within 14 days of departure may be treated as a cancellation and rebooking, subject to our cancellation policy, due to the complex nature of last-minute alterations.

4. Travel Insurance Recommendation

While not mandatory, Vision Travel strongly advises all participants to obtain comprehensive travel insurance. A suitable policy should cover:

  • Trip cancellation and interruption
  • Medical emergencies and evacuation
  • Lost or delayed baggage
  • Personal liability

Having adequate insurance can provide peace of mind and financial protection against unforeseen events.

5. Traveler Responsibilities and Expectations

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for all, we expect our travelers to:

  • Obtain and carry valid passports, visas, and any other required travel documents for all destinations on the itinerary. Vision Travel is not responsible for any issues arising from inadequate documentation.
  • Provide accurate and up-to-date information on the booking form, including any medical conditions or dietary requirements.
  • Conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner throughout the tour, being mindful of local customs, fellow travelers, and tour staff.

6. Vision Travel's Rights and Tour Management

To maintain the quality and safety of our tours, Vision Travel reserves the right to:

  • Remove any traveler from a tour whose behavior is deemed disruptive, dangerous, or consistently annoying to other participants or staff. In such cases, no refund will be provided, and any additional costs incurred will be the responsibility of the removed traveler.
  • Modify tour itineraries if necessary due to unforeseen circumstances, always striving to provide comparable alternatives.

7. Transportation Policies

When utilizing any form of transportation during the tour (e.g., buses, boats, domestic flights):

  • The specific carrier's conditions of carriage will apply in addition to Vision Travel's terms.
  • Vision Travel is not responsible for any delays, changes, or issues arising from transportation providers, but will assist travelers in finding solutions when possible.

8. Weather-Related Cancellations and Flexibility

We prioritize traveler safety and experience. Therefore:

  • If Vision Travel determines that a tour cannot proceed safely due to severe weather conditions or natural disasters, we will cancel the tour.
  • In such cases, travelers will be offered the choice of rebooking the same tour for a later date at no additional cost, or receiving a full refund of all payments made to Vision Travel for the cancelled tour.
  • We will make every effort to provide as much advance notice as possible for weather-related cancellations.

9. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

  • This contract between Vision Travel and the client is governed by Vietnamese Law.
  • Both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Vietnamese Courts for any legal proceedings arising from this agreement.
  • We encourage open communication and will strive to resolve any disputes amicably before resorting to legal action.

By choosing to book with Vision Travel, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these comprehensive Terms and Conditions. Our goal is to provide a safe, enriching, and memorable travel experience while maintaining clear policies that protect both our travelers and our ability to operate high-quality tours.

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